Danish AM overview
Below you find an overview of the leading 3D printing providers throughout in Denmark. Below the map, you also find a factsheet with more information about each actor and their services. The map are meant as a tool for you to find your next partner in your 3D printing adventure. If you need to reach out, please do not hesitate to contact us. Enjoy!
The Danish AM Landscape
Who are we
Dansk AM Hub
Dansk AM Hub is Denmark’s national hub for additive manufacturing (AM). We want to make Denmark the world leader in using AM for sustainability and help Danish production companies take the first steps towards a future where we produce with less waste, less material, less transport and with less C02 emissions.
Mechatronics Innovation
Alfred Nobel Science Park
Alfred Nobel Science Park connects industry, research and society within different future technology areas. One of those is Additive Manufacturing, where we have been active for more than five years.