AM & Health

AM Summit 2022 breakout session: The breakout session about Additive Manufacturing in the health sector focused on how the technology can help medical doctors and patients, and how 3D printing can explore new design opportunities, use mass-customization and create more production flexibility. 


The session was moderated by Michael Mølmer, Chief Medical Officer from Nordsjællands Hospital. The panel participations were:

  • Nadine Moises, 3D print Production Consultant, Formlabs
  • Anders Mølgaard Jakobsen, Clinical Engineer and Project Manager, Aarhus University Hospital
  • Martin Gerth Andersen, Founder and CEO, Snapform
  • Mads Tendrup, CEO and Founder, Exo360


1 size fits 1!

We are accompanied by three manufacturers of customized solutions to the healthcare sector. All with the same overall conclusion; 3D printing gives opportunities that have not previously been possible. With the new technology, they can now offer solutions customized to the specific customers need whether it be prosthetics, cast or surgical tools. The need for customized solutions is rather big in the healthcare sector, as every customer has a different anatomy. Previously, it has either been solved be an inefficient generic solution or a very expensive and complex customized solutions. 3D printing is offering the solution of customizing new products to the customers in a more flexible, economic and value optimizing way. Summed up, within the three areas they can now offer better and cheaper products to the customers. What’s not to like!


Regulations are still a huddle…

3D printing is still a new way to manufacturer products and components within the industry. Unfortunately, all the panel participants are using many resources on coping with regulative challenges in relation to the new technology. A problem, which we need to overcome to give 3D printing a broad and commercial breakthrough in the industry. As of now, 3D printing is equalized with traditional manufactured products, which in some cases do not make that much sense. Anyhow, the panel participants are in great belief, that it will change in the coming years as more and more companies and hospitals are focusing on the technology in their production.