Nyhedsbrev – februar 2022
Ready, set, 3D print!
In January, Danish AM Hub had the pleasure of opening our new office in Jutland thus expanding our Danish manufacturing companies’ chance to learn more about Additive Manufacturing and 3D print.
kunne i januar endelig åbne vores nye kontor i Jylland, hvorfra virksomheder kan blive klogere på Additive Manufacturing (AM) og 3D print teknologien.
With the office, we anchor the Danish AM Hub and AM in Jutland and thereby strengthen our presence, where a large part of our ecosystem and members are. The goal and vision is to make the help available closer to our many good manufacturing companies in order to advice and guidance them on how to get 3D printing into their production and experience the great potential.
In this newsletter, you can read and see more about our new office (and see the mentions in both TV, radio and the newspapers – on Danish). You can also read more about our 3DP Try Out program, be inspired by more AM cases and find concrete advice on how AM can create more resilient, flexible and sustainable production systems.
Happy reading!
Danish AM Hub opens new AM Hotspot
In January 2022, we opened our Jutland office, from which companies can become wiser about Additive Manufacturing and 3D printing technology. The new office will anchor Danish AM Hub and AM in Jutland and make it easier for companies to get started with 3D printing.
“Our new office will be a meeting point for inspiration, advice and guidance. Together, we can move the boundaries of what Danish companies can do, and I welcome the industry to both our new office and showroom and look forward to visiting them as well”, says CTO Steffen Schmidt from the office in Herning.
Read more about the office here – and see, listen and read more from the opening at TV Midt Vest in the news and late news, at P4 Midt & Vest and in Herning Folkeblad.
7 Ways 3D Printing Helps You Go Green
Did you know what companies can save 90 % on material when manufacturing with Additive Manufacturing in 2050? And thar the technology has the potential to reduce both the costs on production and the energy use with 50 % compared with traditional manufacturing?
In this article from Asia Pacific Metalworking News you can read more on the great green potential within the 3D print technology.
Read about 7 ways 3D printing can help your company become more green and sustainable – among other things, by more effective designs, by the use of less material and by local production.
Get smarter on the seven ways here.
Danish 3D technology creates sustainable production of orthopedic insoles
When Create it REAL 3D prints your individually tailored orthopedic insole, there is not a limited number of steps in it – there are infinite kilometers. Because once you have worn it up, you simply hand it in in a kind of deposit system between store and customer, after which the material is degraded and recycled to print a new sole.
“Sustainability is an important argument in our business model. Firstly, we only use exactly the necessary material for the production, where in the past there has been a lot more waste with production with CNC machines or by hand. And secondly, we have thought about recycling the materials and motivating customers to do so with our recyclable business model”, says Jeremie Pierre Gay, Founding Director of Create it REAL.
In this video, you can meet Jeremie and learn more about both the business model and the production.
New report: An Additive Manufacturing Breakthrough
In January 2022, the World Economic Forum (WEF) published a report on how Additive Manufacturing can be used to create more resilient, flexible and sustainable production systems.
In the report, the WEF has compiled four best practice examples and three case studies and guides you through seven steps to overcoming the prevailing current challenges at AM.
The aim of the report is to help industry leaders better understand how technology can help create and deliver value for businesses, communities and the environment, as well as create new collaborations and partnerships with the mobilization of the global manufacturing community.
Many companies are trying 3D print for free
Businesses are seizing the opportunity to try 3D printing for free
The Danish AM Hub and Center for Industry have collaborated with the 3DP Try-Out project to give Danish companies the opportunity to borrow and test a 3D printer for a month in order to acquire concrete knowledge and experience in relation to getting AM technology. into the company.
During 2021, we had 23 companies in the process – which to date have had a total of 83 good Danish companies.
Read how four companies in 2021 got their eyes on the many benefits of implementing 3D printing: ChromaViso, SIK Teknik, DANILIFT og SEJMA Industries.
And learn more about our 3DP Try Out programme here.
Sustainable 3D printed lamps lights up in Copenhagen
In recent years, Signify (f.k.a. Philips Lighting) lights up in more and more places in Copenhagen – including in the Copenhagen Municipality – with their 3D printed luminaires. 3D mass production provides both the opportunity for tailor-made productions on a large scale as well as a more sustainable production.
“The production of traditionally manufactured luminaires takes both longer and is more complex on a large scale. With 3D printing technology, we have less waste, less material, we can produce by demand, and we are closer to customers in both the design phase and production. And we can easily create large-scale production sites anywhere in the world. Sustainability is at the heart of our work and business, and 3D printing technology is a game changer for our industry”, says Business Manager Emma de Looff.
Read more about Signify’s work with 3D printing here.
New analysis maps AM across Scandinavia
The Danish AM Hub has mapped Additive Manufacturing across the Nordic countries. The Nordic analysis shows that Denmark has the largest share of commercial companies that print 3D compared to Sweden and Norway. The Norwegian 3D print players have the relatively largest share of companies that print for internal needs, whereas Sweden has a strong foundation of research and educational institutions. On the materials side, Denmark has the smallest share of companies that 3D print in metal.
“The results will give ours a valuable baseline for future analyzes as well as provide an interesting picture for the current stage of AM in the Nordic region. It is our hope that the analysis can lead to even more collaboration across the border, and we can utilize each other’s core competencies and thereby use the technology in the most optimal and sustainable way”, says CEO in Danish AM Hub, Frank Rosengreen Lorenzen.
Read more about the survey and the results here.
A new year full of AM events
During the autumn, there will be a lot of interesting AM events, which we recommend you to join or follow:
- Additive Manufacturing Strategies, 1.-3. marts 2022, New York
- LOOP Forum – Waste To Resources, 27.-28. april 2022, København
- VTM Summit 2022, 21.-24. juni, Odense
- 6th Additive Manufacturing Forum Berlin 2022, 5-6. juli, Berlin
Stay updated by following us on LinkedIn or our event directory.
Get smarter, inspired and entertained: We keep you updated on the best AM news
Did you know that you can find Danish AM Hub on LinkedIn?
We share weekly AM news about small and big, new and old and make a virtue out of conveying professional and complicated material in a way that inspires and creates increased awareness of the potential of AM technology.
Follow ‘Danish AM Hub’ on LinkedIn by clicking here – welcome!
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